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We're So Excited you're here to share your beauty experience with us we offer a wide  variety of beauty and health needs Ready to relax and enjoy yourself call or book your appt online today!!



oh yeah!!!... did I mention how glad we are to see you here! Take a look around you're bound find something that'll fit your beauty and health needs!!!

Spring specials poppin right now!.jpg




   Senior Day Thursdays

Roller Sets $18


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Guess what type of make up i used ...las

Hair and beauty is a passion for me I have always known that I wanted to do hair and it just made sense to just go for what i loved so much. So, here I am doing what I love and sharing that with everyone!

JessicaGiron Cosmetologist/Salon Manager

Visit Us

1811 Platt Springs Rd. ,West Columbia ,SC 29169\  Tel: 803-216-1816

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